What to Do After an Out-of-State Accident
Now that we’re fully into the swing of summer and kids all over the country are out of school, you can expect to see more and more traffic each week. As hundreds of thousands of out-of-towners visit the valley (possibly for their first time) in the next few weeks, the chances of getting into an accident will go up. Even with tons of planning and GPS, it can be difficult for vacationers to figure out how to get around our city, especially with all of the major construction projects going on. We often provide information to locals on what to do in the event of a collision, but accidents can happen to anyone, locals and visitors alike. If you are visiting Las Vegas and are not familiar with the roads, it is important to know that you and your family are still protected while out-of-state. In the event that you are involved in an accident during your stay, there are several things you should remember:
- Call the police and/or security to the scene and report the accident. It is also important to request and receive a police report of the accident for your personal records. In the event that police are not able to respond to your call, exchange auto insurance and driver’s license information with anyone else who was involved in the collision. Do not leave without doing this!
- If possible, take pictures of everything. This includes the vehicles, anyone involved in the accident, the roadside, nearby landmarks, any debris, and any traffic signs or markers near the site of the collision.
- Seek medical attention immediately for anyone who is injured. You should also take pictures of these injuries for documentation and later use. Remember, your health comes first! Even if it means you might miss a scheduled event, make sure you check everyone for injuries.
- If a rental car is involved in the accident, contact the rental company and report the incident. Next, contact your insurance company and report the incident. Liability limits are different in each state, so you will have to follow the local rules. Check your insurance policy before you go on vacation to see if it meets the standards for the state you will be visiting.
- Hire an attorney who practices law in the state in which the accident occurred. If you have a relationship with an attorney in your home state, he or she may be able to offer you some advice, but it is important to contact someone who practices law in Nevada.
Most importantly, don’t panic! Even though you are out-of-state and on vacation, treat the accident as you would if it had happened at home. Remember to remain calm, make sure everyone involved receives medical attention if necessary, and contact an injury attorney/firm that places the health of you and your family first. Call us at (702) 852-6688 for more information.